For ISS/ISE, SCiAN will:
- Develop a data specification plan to integrate (pool) safety and efficacy data across multiple studies within the program.
- Implement the data specification plan to generate standardized datasets for analysis
- Develop the statistical analysis plan and tables, listings and figures shells to assess safety and efficacy at the program level
- Program the integrated safety and efficacy tables, listings and figures
With pooled ISS data, we can:
- Identify common related adverse events and serious adverse events
- Identify safety concerns that show a pattern across all studies
- Assess safety in subgroups of subjects, if applicable
With pooled ISE data, we can:
- Assess efficacy in subgroups of subjects (e.g. pediatric population)
- Assess efficacy of secondary endpoint across all studies which would not have been possible under single studies
- Explore inconsistency in results between studies
- Assess sensitivity of results